C.A.R.S. (Creditlink Account Recovery Solutions Ltd) is a Debt Collection Agency regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (firm reference number 716456) and is a member of the Credit Services Association.If you have received a letter or a request to contact us please do not panic. Our clients have referred your account to us as it is in arrears. At this point we will assist you in finding a realistic way to clear your overdue account. Whatever you do, please do not ignore our attempts to contact you; we can only assist you once we have discussed your situation with you. If we are not able to do this our client may consider further action against you. Our professionally trained agents are experienced in helping you to resolve any issues you may have with this account and also the consequences of ignoring contact at this stage. Above is a button marked “FAQs” which contains useful information, and in addition, there are a number of other tabs to assist you in making a payment without the need to speak with us directly |